Monday, December 2, 2013

Crafting Burn Out and Granny Square Obsession?

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I am happy to report I enjoyed lots of time with family, and succeeded in finishing my holiday shopping! I call that a successful weekend! But now that all the traveling and shopping is done, it's time for me to get back to crafting. But I have run into a road block. I call it....

Crafting burn out! I suffer from this condition quite often. I start a project, especially ones that take a good chunk of time to complete, and after spending hours working on it, I get burned out on it. I get sick of working on it and need other things to work on in order to pull me out of my funk. Hence why I usually have a number of projects going all at once. I work on something for a while, until I get bored, then work on another one, and keep rotating. I currently have 3 projects going, and they are all quite time consuming.

So last night, after spending 5 hours in the car, I settled in to work on them. But....I just couldn't do it. I am working on a crochet denim rug ( a future post in the works for that one!) and a couple blankets, and none of them really interested me last night. So, after wandering Pinterest for a while, I decided to explore the Granny Square obsession. I have read many many crocheting bloggers talk about sitting and crocheting piles of granny squares, with no particular plan for them. They talked about how enjoyable they are to make. So, I looked up a basic design that I had pinned a while back. The original poster had used it to make baby blankets, but at this point in time, I am just making them for the fun of it, and they will be transformed into something else when the inspiration strikes. Tamara Kelly, over at Moogly posted this amazing tutorial with many links to stitch and technique video tutorials. So since these seemed extremely simple (they are!) and quick to make, I decided to try them out. I picked a random four colors from my stash, and got to work!

I now see why everyone says they're addictive! Even after having to wrestle with majorly tangled yarn, I completed two squares in an hour. I know that once my yarn situation is "squared" away (lame crochet joke!) I will be able to do at least four an hour. This will be great for those days where i work hours on another project but feel like I'm accomplishing nothing because I don't complete anything! Then at least I will have something to show for my work. I decided to keep things simple and not do her fancy chainless double crochet or seamless join. I just used my usual techniques and I think they turned out just fine. If you have any questions on how to edit the pattern so you don't have to use those harder techniques, don't hesitate to post your questions in the comments. I will respond quickly and do my best to help. What is your favorite quick project to use to bust "crafting burn out"?

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