Tuesday, March 25, 2014


So....yeah, I kind of disappeared for a while. My apologies. I think I burned myself out so badly with the holidays that I needed some time to regroup. It was a very hectic time, and I all but ended up in a mental hospital. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but really, it was C-R-A-Z-Y. I actually had to learn to say "No"....which if you know me AT ALL, is completely against my nature.

Anyway, I am happy to report that the cookies came out great! Though I will have to practice some self discipline next year and not make so many. Quite a bit went to waste, and they were a big cause of my burn out.

But, on to more current topics! I have (surprise surprise) found yet another new obsession. I'll bore you the nerdy details, but I will tell you it begins with extreme and ends with couponing. Though I do it on a much smaller scale, haha! The bearded man in my life might disagree with that though. He doesn't quite grasp the concept of stocking up on things, but he's being a good sport about it so far! ;)

Speaking of him, he gave me the best Christmas Eve of my life, by asking me to spend the rest of my life with him! With the aid of our beautiful daughter he asked me to marry him, and we are due to be married on August 23rd! Very exciting! You can expect at least a few posts about all the crafts I will be making for our big day!

Don't mind my Old-Lady hands!

I am also pleased to announce that I have booked our second craft event! Hopefully since I've done one, I can be a little better prepared for it this time! I am currently in the "testing" process of preparation, trying to come up with some great new summer products...or at least products that aren't so focused on cold weather like pretty much everything we make is so far. Tonight I am starting on my first venture, which also happens to be another great repurposing of jeans, and uses the part of the pants that my Repurposed Denim Coasters don't use! I am attempting to weave baskets and bowls using strips of denim. If these turn out, I will finally be able to shrink the supply of denim I have stored in just about every room of my house! My next post will show the process and either the success or failure that I experience. Worst case scenario, I end up with a not-so-pretty container to store some of my smaller, hard-to-organize items in my couponing stockpile. ;) So while I painfully await the drying of my fabric glue, I wish you all a nice and peaceful night!

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